On September 16, Feminist Park Collective and re:imagine your city invite FLINTA, Queer individuals, BIPoC and allies to come to the urban green space intervention – Radical Picnic. This picnic explores on-site a challenging question: how can we provide safety without hyper-surveillance?
The idea was to organize a radical picnic based on the need to test the results of the Feminist Park Collective questionnaire that was created at the beginning of 2023. This survey collects the comments on how we can imagine inclusive green space and what kind of social and physical infrastructure is needed to create it.
16:00 – 17:00
“What creates a feeling of safety beyond hyper-surveillance?”
fishbowl discussion
17:00 – 18:30
“Traces of injustice”
critical mapping workshop aims to question existing infrastructure and spatial arrangements, seeking ways to enhance safety measures and counteract hyper-surveillance (Olga Cherniakova)
18:30 – 20:00
“Arriving Slowly”
participants will be encouraged to take a slow body awareness walk and to find their own safer space in the park beyond conventional wisdom (Maria Patsyuk)
20:00 – 21:00
“Perspective Shift”
a role-playing game where everyone can try out the role of different park visitors and discuss problems on their behalf (Moderation: Park Management Think SI3)
21:00 – 21:30
an audio/visual performance with analog synthesizers, field recordings, acoustic piano and drum machines to create an evolving soundscapes combined with a visual experience of moving through green spaces in Berlin
21:30 – 22:00
music performance, experiments with field recordings, synths and vocals in a ceaseless search of an ethereal balance.
22:00 – 23:30
Night emotional mapping workshop
Moderation: Feminist Park Collective
Parallel program:
“Wood Says”, a soundwalk that playfully transforms the insights and questions regarding plant neurobiology into a marvelous landscape of sound and image (Author: Silvana Mammone)
Picnic table – feel free to take food and drinks!
Join us at any time, no registration needed
As a result, the intervention in Mauerpark becomes a playground for imagining a feminist safe space and provides possible speculative scenarios of how future green spaces are designed and tailored to the needs of diverse groups in Berlin.