
What is your radical act of care?

The artistic laboratory initiated a continuous, experimental and participatory process including artistic interventions, discussions and workshops, to rethink and reclaim space for care in public realm. Manifesto In a system of oppression, specifically a capitalist, cis-hetero patriarchal, white supremacist one, which systematically builds a hierarchy of discrimination against our bodies — racialised, classified and genderizes […]

Backpack Participation: mobile kit

Developed and tested in the mountainous region of Kazbegi, Georgia, the toolkit for mobile workshops demonstrates that participation can occur anywhere, from mountains and fields to urban streets, parks, and playgrounds and that any place can be transformed into spaces for sharing, discussions, and even workshops. Kazbegi, a mountainous municipality in Georgia, faces its fair […]

PUBLIC-US: Wem gehört die Stadt? Who Owns Who?

Which monuments are present in the city? Who do they represent? Who is not represented? The educational art project PUBLIC-US invited young people in Freiburg to map these monuments and design their own statues for public space. The project was created by Catherin Schöberl (artist and educator), Christoph Matt (eco-social designer) and Helena Schwär (art […]

Parklet on Jagiellońska street

The 20-hour weekend intervention in the heart of Szczecin’s downtown aimed to challenge conventional parking practices and reimagine these areas as vibrant public spaces accessible to families, cyclists, and groups of friends. For June 17-18, 2023, Jagiellońska street in Szczecin, typically congested with parked cars, witnessed an inspiring community effort to reclaim and repurpose public […]

Holes for sale – on contemporary city planning in Berlin

The following article begins with a description of a particular type of hole, one familiar but hidden in plain sight: the Euro hole. The Euro hole is a small slit at the top of product packaging. Mostly used in retail, this hole allows items to be hung in shops. Suspended in front of customers, items […]

Publicness as Practice

“Is this solidarity? Is this collaboration? Is it support? Charity?Are these acts to feel good about myself?” – Leonardo Custódio, Does it ever end? These questions by Leonardo Custódio, an Afro-Brazilian educator and activist researcher, fell into my hands at the end of a year of exchanges on publicness, and though they are largely concerned […]

Blue-green architecture: How climate-adapted buildings create liveable cities

At a time when more than half of the world’s people live in cities, and the effects of climate change are becoming visible, urban climate adaptation is of special importance. Densely populated areas have a high degree of sealed surfaces. As we are already experiencing hot summers, this leads to the so-called urban heat island […]